Possible fittings for cases
The use of selected fittings like locks without closing mechanism or detachable hinges is the basis for an individual case solution adjusted to the needs of clients. Just a good packaging solution is accepted and esteemed by the customer and supports his projects, e.g. a case for samples.
Handles are of great value for the function of the case, as they make transport possible in the first place. Our standard handles fit comfortably in the hand and are of high quality. Depending on the case variant, handles can be adjusted by different colour combinations.
Out of a wide product range of different lock variants you can choose e.g. locks with or without closing mechanism (latter meaning it cannot be locked with a key). All lock variants close the cases optimally in order to protect your products. The design allows an unproblematic closing and opening.
In addition to standard set-up-hinges (which hold open the case lid at an angle of about 95 degree) we offer set-up-hinges with wider opening degrees. Depending on the size of the products to be put in the interior, detachable hinges can be fitted to the case in order to remove the whole lid.
Various fittings for cases allow unimagined solution possibilities!